2024年9月27日 星期五

語法分析:Having limited interaction and access to instructors

Analyze "Having limited interaction and access to instructors".

Certainly! Let's analyze the syntax of the phrase "Having limited interaction and access to instructors."

1. Overall Structure

  • The entire phrase is a gerund phrase functioning as a noun. It can serve as the subject, object, or complement in a sentence.

2. Breakdown of Components

a. Having

  • Part of Speech: Gerund (the -ing form of a verb used as a noun)
  • Function: Acts as the head of the gerund phrase.

b. Limited Interaction and Access to Instructors

  • Part of Speech: Coordinated Noun Phrase

    • Limited Interaction

      • Limited
        • Part of Speech: Adjective
        • Function: Modifies the noun "interaction" by describing its extent.
      • Interaction
        • Part of Speech: Noun
        • Function: Acts as part of the direct object of "having."
    • And

      • Part of Speech: Coordinating Conjunction
      • Function: Connects "limited interaction" and "access to instructors."
    • Access to Instructors

      • Access
        • Part of Speech: Noun
        • Function: Acts as part of the direct object of "having."
      • To Instructors
        • Part of Speech: Prepositional Phrase
          • To
            • Part of Speech: Preposition
            • Function: Introduces the prepositional phrase, indicating the object of access.
          • Instructors
            • Part of Speech: Noun
            • Function: Object of the preposition "to."

3. Detailed Syntactic Analysis

  1. Gerund Phrase: Having limited interaction and access to instructors

    • Having (gerund acting as the head of the phrase)
      • [Limited Interaction and Access to Instructors] (coordinated noun phrase as direct object)
        • Limited Interaction (noun phrase)
          • Limited (adjective modifying "interaction")
          • Interaction (noun)
        • And (coordinating conjunction)
        • Access to Instructors (noun phrase)
          • Access (noun)
          • To Instructors (prepositional phrase modifying "access")
            • To (preposition)
            • Instructors (noun as object of the preposition)

4. Function in Context

  • As Subject:

    • "Having limited interaction and access to instructors can hinder the learning process."
  • As Object:

    • "Students dislike having limited interaction and access to instructors."
  • As Subject Complement:

    • "One major drawback is having limited interaction and access to instructors."

5. Roles of Each Component

  • Having: Initiates the gerund phrase and denotes the experience or state.

  • Limited Interaction: Part of the direct object; "limited" modifies "interaction," indicating a restricted amount.

  • And: Connects the two noun phrases "limited interaction" and "access to instructors."

  • Access to Instructors: Part of the direct object; "access" is specified by the prepositional phrase "to instructors."

  • To Instructors: Modifies "access" by specifying to whom the access pertains.

6. Grammatical Relationships

  • Gerund "Having" + Direct Object ("limited interaction and access to instructors"): The gerund takes a coordinated noun phrase as its object.

  • Modifiers:

    • "Limited" modifies both "interaction" and is implied to modify "access" due to parallel structure.
    • "To Instructors" modifies "access," specifying the object of access.
  • Coordination:

    • The conjunction "and" connects two noun phrases, forming a coordinated structure within the direct object.

7. Visual Diagram (Simplified)

[Gerund Phrase] └── Having (gerund) └── [Direct Object] ├── limited interaction (noun phrase) │ ├── limited (adjective) │ └── interaction (noun) ├── and (coordinating conjunction) └── access to instructors (noun phrase) ├── access (noun) └── to instructors (prepositional phrase) ├── to (preposition) └── instructors (noun)

8. Conclusion

  • Summary: The phrase is a gerund phrase acting as a noun, with "having" as the head. The gerund "having" takes as its direct object a coordinated noun phrase consisting of "limited interaction" and "access to instructors." The adjective "limited" modifies "interaction" and is implied to modify "access" due to the parallel structure. "To instructors" is a prepositional phrase modifying "access."

  • Function: The phrase describes the state of experiencing restricted interaction and access to instructors.


The phrase "Having limited interaction and access to instructors" is a gerund phrase functioning as a noun. It consists of:

  • "Having" (gerund acting as the head of the phrase)

  • "Limited interaction" (noun phrase serving as part of the direct object of "having," with "limited" modifying "interaction")

  • "And" (coordinating conjunction connecting the two noun phrases)

  • "Access to instructors" (noun phrase serving as part of the direct object, with "access" modified by the prepositional phrase "to instructors")

  • "To instructors" (prepositional phrase modifying "access," specifying to whom the access pertains)

Overall, the phrase describes the state of possessing limited interaction and limited access to instructors.

What is the antonym of "subordinate clause"?

The antonym of a subordinate clause is an independent clause, also known as a main clause.


  • Subordinate Clause (Dependent Clause):

    • A subordinate clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it does not express a complete thought.
    • It depends on an independent clause to provide context and complete its meaning.
    • Example: "Because I was tired" is a subordinate clause—it leaves the reader waiting for more information.
  • Independent Clause (Main Clause):

    • An independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence because it expresses a complete thought.
    • It does not depend on any other clause to make sense.
    • Example: "I went to bed early." This is an independent clause—it conveys a complete idea.

Putting It Together:

In a complex sentence, subordinate clauses often attach to independent clauses to add more detail:

  • "Because I was tired, I went to bed early."
    • Here, "Because I was tired" is the subordinate clause.
    • "I went to bed early" is the independent clause and serves as the antonym to the subordinate clause.


  • Antonym of "Subordinate Clause": Independent Clause or Main Clause
  • Reason: An independent clause is self-sufficient and expresses a complete thought, which is the opposite of a subordinate clause that relies on additional information to make sense.

Remember: Understanding the difference between these two types of clauses is essential for constructing clear and grammatically correct sentences.

Is there any clause called "coordinate clause"?

Yes, there is a grammatical term called a coordinate clause.


  • Coordinate Clause:
    • A coordinate clause is an independent clause that is linked to another independent clause of equal grammatical rank within a sentence.
    • These clauses are connected by a coordinating conjunction such as and, but, or, nor, for, so, or yet.
    • Each coordinate clause can stand alone as a complete sentence, but they are combined to show a relationship between ideas.


  1. Simple Coordination:

    • "She enjoys reading novels, and he likes watching movies."
      • Clause 1: "She enjoys reading novels." (Independent clause)
      • Clause 2: "He likes watching movies." (Independent clause)
      • Coordinating Conjunction: "and"
      • Both clauses are coordinate clauses joined by "and."
  2. Contrasting Ideas:

    • "I wanted to go for a walk, but it started to rain."
      • Clause 1: "I wanted to go for a walk." (Independent clause)
      • Clause 2: "It started to rain." (Independent clause)
      • Coordinating Conjunction: "but"
      • The coordinate clauses express contrasting ideas.
  3. Choice or Alternative:

    • "You can call me tonight, or we can meet tomorrow."
      • Clause 1: "You can call me tonight." (Independent clause)
      • Clause 2: "We can meet tomorrow." (Independent clause)
      • Coordinating Conjunction: "or"
      • The coordinate clauses present alternatives.

Relationship to Other Clause Types:

  • Coordinate vs. Subordinate Clauses:

    • Coordinate Clauses are of equal importance and can stand alone.
    • Subordinate Clauses (dependent clauses) cannot stand alone and depend on a main clause to complete their meaning.
  • Example of Subordination:

    • "Because it started to rain, I stayed indoors."
      • "Because it started to rain" is a subordinate clause dependent on the main clause "I stayed indoors."


  • Coordinate Clause:

    • An independent clause connected to another independent clause by a coordinating conjunction.
    • Forms part of a compound sentence.
    • Each clause has equal grammatical weight.
  • Function:

    • To link ideas that are related or of equal importance.
    • To add variety and complexity to writing.

Remember: Using coordinate clauses effectively can enhance the flow and clarity of your writing by showing how ideas are connected.

In the phrase: "Having limited interaction and access to instructors", is there any connection between "interaction" and "to instructors"?

Yes, in the phrase "Having limited interaction and access to instructors," there is a connection between "interaction" and "to instructors."


1. Coordinated Noun Phrases:

  • The phrase contains a coordinated noun phrase connected by "and":

    • "limited interaction" and "access to instructors."

2. Shared Modifier Possibility:

  • While "to instructors" immediately follows "access," it can be understood to modify both "interaction" and "access" due to the parallel structure.

3. Logical Association:

  • Interaction with Instructors:

    • It's logical to think of "interaction with instructors," as interaction typically involves someone.
  • Access to Instructors:

    • Similarly, "access to instructors" makes sense as it specifies whom you have access to.

4. Parallelism and Ellipsis:

  • In coordinated phrases, modifiers and complements can sometimes apply to all coordinated elements, especially when they share a common characteristic.

  • Ellipsis: The omission of a word or phrase that is grammatically necessary but can be deduced from the context.

    • The phrase may imply "interaction [with instructors] and access to instructors."

5. Rewriting the Phrase for Clarity:

  • Explicit Connection:

    • "Having limited interaction with instructors and access to instructors."
  • Alternative Structure:

    • "Having limited interaction and limited access to instructors."

      • Here, "limited" is understood to modify both "interaction" and "access," and "to instructors" could still relate to both nouns.

6. Syntactic Analysis:

  • Gerund Phrase:

    • "Having limited interaction and access to instructors"

      • Having (gerund)

        • Limited interaction [with instructors]

        • And

        • Access to instructors

  • Modifiers and Complements:

    • "Limited" modifies both "interaction" and "access."

    • "To instructors" serves as a prepositional phrase that can be associated with both nouns due to the structure.

7. Prepositional Phrase Attachment:

  • While "to instructors" is immediately after "access," it's not uncommon in English for a prepositional phrase to modify multiple coordinated nouns.

  • Example:

    • "She bought books and magazines about gardening."

      • "About gardening" modifies both "books" and "magazines."


  • Connection Exists: The prepositional phrase "to instructors" is connected to both "interaction" and "access."

  • Interpretation:

    • The phrase implies having limited interaction with instructors and limited access to instructors.
  • Grammatical Acceptability:

    • This shared modification is grammatically acceptable due to the coordinated structure and the logical relationship between the nouns and the prepositional phrase.


In "Having limited interaction and access to instructors," the prepositional phrase "to instructors" relates to both "interaction" and "access." The coordinated nouns share the modifier, meaning that the limitation applies to both the interaction with instructors and the access to instructors.


2024年9月19日 星期四

Heart of the Matter

最近 有一位教會成員朋友送我一本書,書名是:Heart of the Matter - What 100 Years of Living Have Taught Me 。它還沒有正式的中文書名。我暫時將它譯為《事情的核心-活了一百年我所學到的》。大家可能都想到了:它的作者就是羅素納爾遜會長。今年九月九日是他滿一百歲的生日。



這三個 App 就是 Google 翻譯、ChatGPT、和 Grammarly。線上文件平台就是 Google 文件和 Google 部落格。

這些 App 和線上文件平台都有免費的版本。為了更加深入英文的專業性,我用了付費的 ChatGPT 和 Grammarly。


就像研讀經文一樣仔細。我一次只分享納爾遜會長文章的一小段,大約三五句話。讓 Google 翻譯大致翻譯,我加以修訂。如果大家想要知道 Google 原本的翻譯,可以自行用原文讓 Google 再翻一次。

接下來,我會要求 ChatGPT,做每一段的語意分析(semantic analysis) 。

每一段語意分析完成之後,我會要求 ChatGPT,做每一句的語法分析(sytax analysis)。偶而我也會要求 ChatGPT,做每一段的語用分析(pragmatic analysis)。

進度雖然緩慢,每一次只進行三五句,但是有了 ChatGPT 的加持,內容會變得很豐富。ChatGPT 的分析內容,比原文多了將近10倍。

我建議大家自己去買一本Heart of the Matter-What 100 Years of Living Have Taught Me來對照著看,收獲更豐碩。而且當你能够快速閱讀時,可以按照自己的速度先睹為快。

2024年9月18日 星期三

quiet pride

 What do you mean by "quiet pride"?

ChatGPT 說:

"Quiet pride" refers to a feeling of pride or accomplishment that is understated or not outwardly expressed in a boastful or loud manner. It suggests a sense of internal satisfaction and dignity, where someone feels proud of what they've endured or achieved, but without the need for public recognition or overt displays of self-congratulation.

In the context of the passage you shared, the speaker may feel a quiet pride in having lived through and survived significant challenges over the course of a century. Though the tone is reflective and even melancholic at times, there is an implicit sense of resilience or strength in having witnessed so much and made it to such an advanced age. The speaker doesn’t explicitly boast about surviving these events, but the very act of calmly recounting them suggests an inner strength and satisfaction with having endured.

the Roaring Twenties

 What is "the Roaring Twenties"?

ChatGPT 說:

The Roaring Twenties refers to the decade of the 1920s, primarily in the United States and Europe, marked by significant social, cultural, and economic change. It was a period of great prosperity, technological innovation, and cultural dynamism following World War I. The name "Roaring" reflects the sense of excitement and rapid transformation that characterized the era. Some key aspects of the Roaring Twenties include:

  1. Economic Growth:

    • The 1920s saw a significant economic boom, particularly in the U.S., driven by industrial expansion, mass production (especially in automobiles, led by Ford's assembly line), and increased consumerism. People were able to buy more goods, and industries flourished.
  2. Cultural and Social Changes:

    • This decade witnessed a loosening of traditional social norms, particularly for women. The rise of the "flapper" symbolized the newfound freedom of women, who wore shorter skirts, bobbed their hair, and enjoyed more public independence.
    • Jazz music became incredibly popular, and this era is often called the Jazz Age due to the influence of artists like Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. Jazz clubs and speakeasies (illegal bars during Prohibition) became cultural hubs.
    • The arts and literature also thrived, with movements like Modernism in art and literature, as well as authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald (author of The Great Gatsby) capturing the spirit and excess of the era.
  3. Prohibition:

    • The U.S. implemented the 18th Amendment in 1920, banning the sale and consumption of alcohol. This led to the rise of organized crime, bootlegging, and speakeasies as people sought ways to bypass the law.
  4. Technological Advances:

    • Innovations like the radio, telephone, and automobile transformed everyday life. The radio brought entertainment and news into homes, while cars provided greater personal mobility. This era also saw significant advancements in aviation, cinema, and household appliances.
  5. Stock Market Speculation:

    • The rapid economic growth fueled stock market speculation, with many people investing heavily in the market. However, this also laid the groundwork for the eventual stock market crash of 1929, which led to the Great Depression.

In short, the Roaring Twenties were a time of vibrant cultural and economic life, but they also harbored underlying problems that would culminate in the Great Depression. The era is often remembered for its optimism, dynamism, and the modernity it brought to many aspects of life.