2025年1月7日 星期二


每個星期五,「雙語研讀福音原則」社團會發布《福音原則》下一章的雙語輔助學習材料,以供本社團成員一週學習的參考。輔助學習材料包括:單字表、文法分析、ChatGPT 提示語。

每個星期四晚上 8:00-8:50 本社團有線上聚會。發言時,可隨個人靈感使用中文或英文。目前的線上聚會議程大網是:

1) 討論《福音原則》該週進度課本中所列的問題或議題,

2) 討論《福音原則》課本中的句子的語法(句型和文法)、語意(澄清句子或單字的意思)、和語用(推論作者的企圖),

3) 討論如何使用現代科技輔助學習英文,例如:ChatGPT, Grammarly, Google Translate, Quizlet...

Every Friday, the Bilingual Gospel Principles Study Group posts bilingual supplemental study materials for the next chapter of Gospel Principles so that group members can reference them throughout the week. Supplemental study materials include word lists, grammar analysis, and ChatGPT prompts.

The group meets online every Thursday from 8:00 to 8:50 p.m. During these meetings, participants may speak in either Chinese or English as they feel inspired. The current agenda for online meetings generally includes:

1. Discussing the questions or issues listed in that week’s assigned section of Gospel Principles.

2. Analyzing the sentences in the Gospel Principles textbook in terms of syntax (sentence structure and grammar), semantics (clarifying the meaning of sentences or words), and pragmatics (inferring the author’s intention).

3. Exploring how modern technology can help with learning English, such as ChatGPT, Grammarly, Google Translate, Quizlet, and more. 

