2025年1月1日 星期三



We can look up at the sky at night and have an idea of what Alma meant.


Please analyze the sentence's pragmatics. That is the author's intention.



1. 語境理解

  • 說話者的意圖:說話者試圖將一個行動(仰望夜空)與靈性或反思性的洞見聯繫起來。這句話邀請聽者思考阿爾瑪的教導,可能是指《摩爾門經》中阿爾瑪書(例如阿爾瑪書 30:44),其中提到自然是神存在的證據。
  • 隱含語境:這句話假設聽者熟悉阿爾瑪這位先知,以及他關於透過自然認識神的教導。

2. 言語行為

  • 類型:陳述性(提供資訊)。
    • 說話者在陳述一個可能性和反思性行為。
  • 預期效果:說話者希望聽者能夠:
    1. 想像夜空的畫面。
    2. 反思阿爾瑪的教導。
    3. 發展自己的靈性理解或見證。

3. 指示語(參照分析)

  • 我們:包含性指示語,指說話者與聽者,強調共同的經驗或行動。
  • 天空:空間指示語,指向一個所有人都能觀察到的特定自然現象,創造了一種普遍的參照。
  • 在夜晚:時間指示語,指出行動應該發生的時間,增添了一種沉思的語氣,因為夜晚常引發反思。
  • 阿爾瑪的意思:參照指示語,指向阿爾瑪的教導,假設聽者對他的話有一定的了解,或可以推測其靈性意義。

4. 隱含意義(Implicature)

  • 字面意思:我們可以仰望天空,對阿爾瑪的意思形成概念。
  • 隱含意思:自然,特別是夜空,作為神存在或神聖創造的證據,與阿爾瑪的教導一致。這句話隱含,反思這樣的證據可以加深一個人的靈性理解。

5. 預設

  • 聽者知道阿爾瑪是誰(《摩爾門經》中的一位先知)。
  • 聽者了解阿爾瑪關於自然作為神存在證明的教導。
  • 觀察夜晚的天空可以引發靈性或哲學性的思考。

6. 語用功能

  • 鼓勵反思:這句話邀請聽者將一個物理行動(仰望天空)與更深層的靈性意義聯繫起來。
  • 連結過去與現在:通過提及阿爾瑪的話,說話者將現代的行動(仰望天空)與古代的教導聯繫起來,顯示其相關性。
  • 普遍可及性:仰望天空是一個簡單且普遍的行為,使靈性的邀請具有包容性和相關性。

7. 語氣與風格

  • 語氣:反思且充滿邀請,鼓勵個人探索意義。
  • 風格:對話式且易於理解,讓靈性反思的概念易於接受。




Pragmatic Analysis of the Sentence:

We can look up at the sky at night and have an idea of what Alma meant.

1. Contextual Understanding:

  • Speaker's Intent: The speaker aims to relate an action (looking at the night sky) to a spiritual or reflective insight. The sentence invites the listener to consider Alma’s teachings, likely referencing a scripture in The Book of Mormon (e.g., Alma 30:44), where he speaks of nature as evidence of God's existence.
  • Implied Context: This sentence assumes familiarity with Alma as a prophet in The Book of Mormon and his teachings about recognizing God through the natural world.

2. Speech Act:

  • Type: Assertive (informative).
    • The speaker is making a statement of possibility and reflection.
  • Intended Perlocutionary Effect: The speaker intends for the listener to:
    1. Visualize the night sky.
    2. Reflect on Alma’s teachings.
    3. Develop their own spiritual understanding or testimony.

3. Deixis (Referential Analysis):

  • We: Inclusive deixis, referring to the speaker and the listener(s), emphasizing shared experience or action.
  • The sky: Spatial deixis, pointing to a specific aspect of nature that is observable by all, creating a universal reference.
  • At night: Temporal deixis, specifying when the action should occur, adding a contemplative tone as nighttime often evokes reflection.
  • What Alma meant: Referential deixis, pointing to Alma's teachings, assuming the listener has some prior knowledge of his words or can infer their spiritual significance.

4. Implicature:

  • Literal Meaning: We can look at the sky and form an idea of Alma's meaning.
  • Implied Meaning: Nature, particularly the night sky, serves as evidence of God's existence or divine creation, aligning with Alma's teachings. The sentence implies that reflecting on such evidence can deepen one’s understanding of spiritual truths.

5. Presuppositions:

  • The listener knows who Alma is (a prophet in The Book of Mormon).
  • The listener understands Alma's teachings about nature as a testament of God’s existence.
  • Observing the sky at night can evoke spiritual or philosophical thoughts.

6. Pragmatic Functions:

  • Encourages Reflection: The sentence invites the listener to connect a physical act (looking at the sky) with a deeper, spiritual meaning.
  • Bridges Past and Present: By referencing Alma’s words, the speaker ties a modern action (looking at the sky) to ancient teachings, showing their relevance.
  • Universal Accessibility: The act of looking at the sky is simple and universal, making the spiritual invitation inclusive and relatable.

7. Tone and Style:

  • Tone: Reflective and inviting, encouraging personal exploration of meaning.
  • Style: Conversational and approachable, making the concept of spiritual reflection accessible.


This sentence pragmatically serves to connect the listener with Alma's teachings by inviting them to engage with nature in a reflective way. It assumes a shared knowledge of Alma and encourages spiritual introspection, making abstract teachings relatable through a concrete and universally accessible action.

Let me know if you'd like further elaboration!

