2025年3月8日 星期六

AI 與2030雙語國家政策


Whether or not we like the government's recent push for the "2030 Bilingual Nation Policy,"


in this era, the world's important information in technology, medicine, finance, and international relations is rapidly growing in both English and Chinese.

感謝神啟發了現代 AI 科技的及時快速發展,

Thanks to God's inspiration, modern AI technology has developed rapidly and in a timely manner,

讓個人、家庭、學校、職場、機構、媒體都沈浸在 AI 加持的雙語環境中。

allowing individuals, families, schools, workplaces, institutions, and media to be immersed in an AI-enhanced bilingual environment.

我認為只要大家努力融入 AI 的雙語學習和應用環境,

I believe that as long as everyone actively integrates into AI-driven bilingual learning and application environments,


we can gradually achieve the goal of a bilingual nation. 

