2025年3月6日 星期四



  • 昨天我照慣例,參加星期三傍晚的福音英文會話團活動,由兩位全部時間傳教士長老擔任主持人。
    As usual, I attended the Wednesday evening Gospel English Conversation Group activity yesterday, hosted by two full-time missionary elders.

  • 這兩位長老都是從美國猶他州來的,大約都是19歲左右,
    Both elders are from Utah, USA, and are around 19 years old.

  • 一個來台灣將近半年,另一個才剛來兩個星期。
    One has been in Taiwan for nearly six months, while the other just arrived two weeks ago.

  • 較資深的那一個,可以用中文溝通,較資淺的那一個還不太會說中文。
    The more experienced one can communicate in Chinese, while the newer one is not yet fluent in Chinese.

  • 昨天傍晚有8位非教會成員出席英文會話活動,加上傳教士和我,總共11個人。
    Yesterday evening, eight non-church members attended the English conversation activity. Including the missionaries and me, there were a total of 11 people.

  • 兩位傳教士帶領大家玩一個遊戲。
    The two missionaries led everyone in playing a game.

  • 這遊戲先選出一個人,他想定自己的一項嗜好,暫時保密不讓其他人知道。
    In this game, one person is selected to think of a hobby, keeping it a secret from the others.

  • 然後,其他人輪流問他一個是或否的問題,讓他比對先前想定的答案,來回答是或否。
    Then, the others take turns asking yes-or-no questions, and the selected person answers based on the predetermined hobby.

  • 限定總問題數目不得超過20個。
    The total number of questions is limited to no more than 20.

  • 如果在20個問題以內,有人猜出了答案,那人就獲勝。
    If someone guesses the correct answer within 20 questions, that person wins.

  • 如果問了20個問題,還沒有猜出答案,那麼出題者就獲勝。
    If 20 questions are asked and no one guesses correctly, the person who chose the hobby wins.

  • 沒有留言:
