- 時間:19:00-20:30
- 使用 Zoom + Google Classroom + PowerPoint
- 分組討論時,分為三組
- 未滿 8 歲:無行為能力人
- 8-19歲:限制行為能力人
- 20歲以上:成年人
- 出席帳號19個(包括曦云和我),有9個家庭,其他 9 個是個人都是姊妹。
- 以下為夫妻使用共同帳戶上課:
- 花蓮台東三侯信裕/李若薇家庭
- 南台北新店:新店楊青晟家庭
- 南台北新店翁子翔/歐陽萱家庭
- 南台北:新店鍾曜遠/周珊伃家庭
- 南台北:新店王修哲/陳盈慧家庭
- 南台北新店余尚儒/楊璦菁家庭
- 南台北新店羅東全/劉竹櫻家庭
- 南台北新店周俊志/翁青萍家庭
- 以下是單獨自己使用帳戶上課:
- 中台北金華:彭楚丰姊妹
- 新竹竹北一:陳家雯姊妹
- 南高雄小港:曹張婷蕙姊妹
- 南台北新店:張維平姊妹
- 南台北新店:杜海慈姊妹
- 南台北新店:陳秀慧姊妹
- 南台北新店:陳潣樺姊妹
- 南台北新店:江雅惠姊妹
- NY NY Stake/Chinatown Ward:顏瑾莉姊妹
- 案例 3 個
- 案例一:搶玩具 (兒童) 參考 PowerPoint
- 教義真理與原則:信條 12 …服從、敬重、及維護法律
- 作法及技巧:從小教導子女,父母親擁有家中的所有物品的物權。未成年子女必須經父母允許才可暫時借用。
- 案例四:姊姊不讓我用小提琴 (女青年) 參考 PowerPoint
- 教義真理與原則:信條 12 …服從、敬重、及維護法律
- 作法及技巧:從小教導子女,父母親擁有家中的所有物品的物權。未成年子女必須經父母允許才可暫時借用。
- 案例五:撕了聖殿推薦書(男青年) 參考 PowerPoint
- 教義真理與原則:聖約的力量
- 作法及技巧:不以情緒回應子女的情緒發言和作為。
2020年5月31日 星期日
2020年5月30日 星期六
- 19:00-20:30 Zoom Host 尤黎明
- 出席者:何於振、胡天喜、李子鵬、李俊佳、劉慧珠、葛維儀、李佳容、遲玉琛、陳佑安、尤黎明
- 討論議題:學習與發展專案構想 Excel
- 決議:胡天喜把葛維儀和尤黎明設為特定頁面的編輯者。葛維儀將編輯 Launching Leader 專案內容。尤黎明將編輯「學習與發展」專案內容。兩者所編輯的頁面都將獨自完成。
2020年5月29日 星期五
302E4班 The art of storytelling 故事寫作練習
- 同學們想要創作的故事類型
- Khan Academy: The art of storytelling
- 今日進度:說明 We are all storytellers 的
- Activity 1: Expressing memories
- Activity 2: Your three favorite films
- Activity 3: What if...
- Activity 4: Characters & worlds
- 指派同學們以此四個活動為作業,下星期二課堂中將討論。
2020年5月28日 星期四
青少年追求卓越-啟恩專案 day 1
- 介紹 The art of storytelling
- 瞭解啟恩喜歡的三部卡通片:海底總動員,玩具總動員,獅子王。
- 啟恩加入 Google Classroom HSL:影片製作 2 KA:The art of storytelling 課程代碼 dydacrd。
- 從 Khan Academy 網站中選出 The art of storytelling 的第一課 We are all storytellers。
- 將本文抄入 Google 翻譯,略讀整段的中文譯文,瞭解本段大意。
- 將英文逐句切割為語意區塊。並解釋切割為語意區塊的目的是容易閱讀、理解及複誦。(還有一些今天沒有解釋的好處包括:容易記憶、容易替換、及重組)。
- 比喻語意區塊為音樂的小節(Measure)。
- 將 Google 中的語意區塊英中對照抄入 Google 試算表,以利校正 Google 翻譯的錯誤與不足,並準備好將之抄入 Quizlet 學習集。(在下一堂課中進行)
- 我們有開會及閉會祈禱,感謝神。
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2020年5月27日 星期三
2020年5月26日 星期二
- 竑鎧因為上週白天在公司值班,所以向我請假一次。今天恢復學習 Scratch 3.0 Tutorial: How to Make a Flappy Bird Game in Scratch (Part 4) 顯得有些生疏。
- 另外,他表示雖然他的英文有進步。但是每天要花兩小時複習才能進到新單元。學習時間不够分配。
- 我告訴他費波納契精熟學習法。他希望下一週見面時,能教他建立費波納契精熟學習法的表格,用來幫助他有效管理學習的進度。
2020年5月25日 星期一
- 以心克剛共學網的合夥人身份,共同擬訂招生簡章及報名表,同協助招生。有意願報名者,可以加入班級 Line 群組。
- 以心克剛共學網的學生家長身份,評量心克剛共學網課程的質量,持續提供改進意見。
- 以心克剛共學網的教材編輯人員身份,協助製作英文學習輔助工具。目前以利阿賀拿的Youth 和 Children 專欄選文,以及 Khan Academy 的 The art of storytelling 為標的,製作適合鄭晴閱讀的英文輔助學習工具。
Trusting in the Lord
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Heavenly Father has provided His plan of happiness for you. You can fulfill your mission here on earth as you diligently seek to understand and obey His will for you and as you trust Him. The Savior has promised to help you with every needful thing in your life, including becoming spiritually and temporally self-reliant. When we are self-reliant, we are better able to serve others and know the path the Lord would have us walk.
- How is your life’s purpose part of God’s plan of happiness?
- What can you do now to be more spiritually and temporally self-reliant?
- How can you demonstrate greater trust in the Lord?
- Think about experiences on your mission when people demonstrated great trust and faith in God. If you kept a journal on your mission, find and read what you wrote about these experiences. Write down what each of these examples teach you about trusting God and acting in faith as they relate to a job, education, and marriage.
- Review your My Plan goals, and record in your study journal what help you will need from the Lord to accomplish these goals.
Working with Your Mentor
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Mentoring has always been an important part of progressing in the gospel: Christ mentored the Apostles, Alma mentored Amulek, Eli mentored Samuel, and you have the opportunity to mentor and be mentored.
Discuss what you need to do to develop a positive mentoring relationship. Consider how often you will communicate, how to keep your relationship equal (the mentor is a guide, not a called leader), and how much help the mentor will provide. Write down your ideas.
- With your mentor, review the ideas you wrote down for the second activity in this section, and decide on which ideas you want to try. Then implement those ideas in the coming weeks.
- Set a regular time to meet with your mentor and discuss your progress and your questions.
To the Mentor - My Plan: A Guide for the Returned Missionary and Mentor
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You have been assigned to help a recently returned missionary successfully transition from life as a full-time missionary to life at home. Returned missionaries have had many experiences while serving as a missionary that have taught them how to live principles such as faith in Jesus Christ, hard work, diligence, and service. As a mentor your role is to help this returned missionary continue to live these principles.
During the last few weeks of their mission, missionaries take an online course called My Plan. As part of this course they set goals and make plans that they will act on once they have returned home. After the missionaries complete the course, a copy of the plan is sent to their mission president, home stake president, and home bishop. This plan includes:
- Developing a one-year vision for their future.
- Setting goals and making plans for how they will develop spiritually, serve others, gain an education, secure employment, and date and prepare for temple marriage.
As a mentor your primary responsibilities are to:
- Love, listen to, and support the missionary during this challenging transition.
- Help the returned missionary work toward achieving the goals in his or her plan, concentrating on the areas most relevant to him or her, such as dating to find a spouse, pursuing formal education, or finding a trade to support oneself and one’s family.
- Meet with the returned missionary as needed and discuss the topics in this guide.
To start fulfilling your responsibilities as a mentor, ask the returned missionary for a copy of his or her plan and determine a time and place to meet so you can review together the My Plan topics provided in this guide. You are encouraged to provide regular support to the returned missionary and to contact him or her either in person or through text messages, phone calls, or social media.
When you meet to discuss one of the following topics, begin and end with prayer. Take turns reading aloud the content under the heading “Read.” Then discuss the questions, complete the activities, and extend the invitations using the guidance of the Spirit and your best judgment. This guide is meant to be flexible. Instead of following the outline exactly, tailor each meeting to the needs of the returned missionary.
2020年5月24日 星期日
- 奇偉因電腦問題無法上線。
- 孟臻孟樺今天有事請假。
- 安安今天陪誠誠進行 The Temple and You 語意克漏字練習。這一篇文章選自利阿賀拿 2020 年 4 月兒童。語意分析和語意克漏字是安安陪誠誠使用 Google 翻譯和 Google Sheets 以及 Quizlet 做成的。
- 19:00-20:30

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