2023年11月30日 星期四




舉些例子,說明為何我不喜歡共產黨。1)我不喜歡共產黨打壓宗教自由,像法輪功,2)我也不喜歡共產黨把香港的經濟搞得一落千丈。1997年以前,我曾多次到過香港,那是英國統治下的自由繁榮的地方。今非昔比,令人感慨萬千,3)我不喜歡共產黨,因為我有很多的智慧財產權都放在自由世界的網路上,如果是共產黨統治,我可能需要「犯法」翻牆才能取得。4)我不喜歡共產黨,因為目前在台灣,人民有永久的私有房地產權,我們可以100%決定要如何處置,如果是共產黨統治,我們會喪失我們的土地所有權,我們自己的房子也只能有數十年的使用權,5)我不喜歡共產黨,因為目前在台灣,我可以自由自在地舉行或參加宗教聚會,如果是共產黨統治,共產黨會大大地干預。6) 另外,我不喜歡共產黨,因為共產黨逼迫人民選擇政治立場,親美或反美、親日或反日...。在台灣,有些政黨親美,有些政黨疑美或反美,但他們只能想辦法吸引、說服、或欺騙人民,而不能強迫人民。我有權利根據自己的信仰、知識、和想法,選擇自己想要的。如果是共產黨統治,我就無法選擇了。


2023年3月5日 星期日

ChatGPT: How to prevent a war?

 Preventing a war is an important goal that requires taking steps to address underlying causes of conflict and promote peaceful resolution of disputes. Here are some steps that can potentially contribute to preventing a war:

  1. Diplomacy and negotiation: Diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts and disputes through dialogue, negotiations, and compromise are crucial in preventing war. It is essential to build strong diplomatic relations and trust between nations to resolve conflicts peacefully.
  2. Conflict resolution: Early intervention to resolve conflicts before they escalate into violence is an effective way to prevent war. Conflict resolution strategies can include mediation, negotiation, and other non-violent methods to resolve disputes.
  3. International law and institutions: The rules of international law and institutions like the United Nations can be used to promote peaceful resolution of conflicts. The international community can work to ensure that disputes are resolved within the framework of international law.
  4. Economic interdependence: Promoting economic interdependence between nations can help to prevent war by creating mutual interests and incentives for cooperation. Trade, investment, and economic cooperation can help build bridges between nations and reduce tensions.
  5. Education and cultural exchange: Education and cultural exchange can help promote understanding, empathy, and tolerance between nations. They can also help break down stereotypes and prejudices that contribute to conflicts.
  6. Human rights and democracy: The promotion of human rights and democratic institutions can help prevent war by promoting stability, accountability, and good governance. Respect for human rights can also help prevent grievances and conflicts from escalating into violence.

It's important to note that each situation is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to preventing war. It often requires a combination of these steps, as well as the commitment and cooperation of the parties involved in the conflict.

2023年3月4日 星期六

ChatGPT: How to stop a war?

Stopping a war is a complex and difficult process that often requires the involvement and cooperation of multiple parties. Here are some steps that can potentially contribute to stopping a war:

  • Negotiation: Diplomacy is one of the most effective ways to end a war. It involves the parties in conflict engaging in dialogue to reach an agreement. Negotiation can take place at various levels, from informal talks to formal peace negotiations.
  • Mediation: In some cases, a neutral third party can help facilitate negotiations between the conflicting parties. A mediator can help bridge the gap between the parties and find common ground.
  • Ceasefire: A ceasefire is an agreement between the parties in conflict to stop fighting for a period of time. This can be a temporary measure to allow negotiations to take place or a prelude to a more permanent peace agreement.
  • Sanctions: Economic sanctions can be used to pressure a country or group engaged in war to cease hostilities. Sanctions can range from trade restrictions to freezing assets of individuals and organizations involved in the conflict.
  • Peacekeeping missions: Peacekeeping forces can be deployed to maintain stability and prevent a resurgence of violence. These forces can be made up of military personnel, police officers, and civilian experts.
  • Humanitarian aid: Providing humanitarian aid to affected populations can help reduce the suffering caused by the war and potentially create an environment conducive to peace negotiations.
It's important to note that each situation is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to stopping a war. It often requires a combination of these steps, as well as the commitment and cooperation of the parties involved in the conflict.

2023年2月16日 星期四


 2/6-2/12 《來跟從我》課程綱要英中逐句對照,「單字 」教師用本已出爐。 每個單字都有附KK音標,以及 Yahoo 字典的連結喔!

2/6-2/12 《來跟從我》課程綱要英中逐句對照,「區塊 」教師用本已出爐。 (幫助學生以「語意區塊」為單位,來訓練朗讀,聽力,和英中互譯)

2/6-2/12 《來跟從我》課程綱要英中逐句對照,「句型 」教師用本已出爐。(幫助學生學習英文基本句型與文法,從句子的語法結構來瞭解句子的語意,以提升單句閱讀能力,以及造句能力。)

2023年1月26日 星期四

2023年2 月《鞏固青年》英中對照例句

今年 2 月份的《鞏固青年》月刊電子版已經發布了,可以在線上的福音圖書館找到。其中有一篇文章是闡述當月《來跟從我》的經文之一:馬太福音 5:9「使人和睦的人有福了!因為他們必稱為神的兒子。」


  1. Here are some of the processes going on inside a person trying to make peace.
  2. Most people want peace—for themselves, their homes, their communities, and the world.


  1. Here are some of the processes going on inside a person trying to make peace.
  2. Here are some of the processes... 是倒裝句。副詞(here) + 動詞(are) + 主詞(some of the processes)。
  3. going on... 是現在分詞片語,當形容詞用,修飾前面的名詞 processes。
  4. inside a person (一個人的內在)是介詞片語,當副詞用,修飾前面的現在分詞片語 going on (運作)。
  5. trying ... 是現在分詞片語,當形容詞用,修飾前面的名詞 person。
  6. to make peace 是不定詞片語,當名詞用,作前面的現在分詞 trying 的受詞。
  7. 我們可將這個句子的兩個現在分詞片語,都分別擴展為子句,如下所示:🌱₁ Here ₂ are ₄ some of the processes ₈ (₁ that ₂ are going on 🔺 ₉ inside a person ₈ (₁ who ₂ is tryingto make peace)).


  1. Most people want peace—for themselves, their homes, their communities, and the world.
  2. 這個句子中的一個英文單字 peace 有四個不同的中文翻譯:平安、和睦、和諧、和平。分別搭配四個語詞:自己的「平安」、家庭的「和睦」、社區的「和諧」、和世界的「和平」。

2023年1月13日 星期五

今生的智能 - 來生的優勢


我已經將近 74 歲了,我每天更加勤奮地學習,因為我了解教義和聖約 130:18-19的真實教義:

  • 18 我們在今生達到的任何智能水平,會在復活時與我們一起復活。
  • 19 如果一個人由於他的勤奮和服從,而在今生獲得比別人多的知識和智能,他在來生也會有同樣多的優勢。

2023年1月11日 星期三





  1. 分享並一同商議。邀請教師分享最近教導的經驗,提出與教導有關的問題,分享克服挑戰的建議。
  2. 一同學習。邀請教師討論《以救主的方式教導》所提出的以下原則之一:1) 專注於耶穌基督、2) 愛你所教導的人、3) 藉著聖靈教導、4) 教導教義,以及邀請勤奮學習。
  3. 規劃和邀請。幫助教師規劃如何應用所討論的原則(包括在家中教導)。教師議會會議應盡可能示範要討論的原則。