2024年1月17日 星期三

翻譯觀摩 Eternal Family 第16課第10句:ChatGPT 答問與翻譯


今天討論到 Eternal Family 永恆家庭 第16課的第11句,要如何用英文回答?

11. How can this concept relate to you as you build your personal and family life?


第11句的問題,有提到一個代名詞「這個概念」,其原文是「this concept」。這個代名詞的先行詞在第10句。所以我們要看第10句。

10. A secure foundation will stabilize the building and protect it against the forces of nature and the stress of daily use. 


然後我們可以把這兩個英文句子,一起丟到 ChatGPT,來觀察它的回應。它洋洋灑灑地回覆了400個英文字,分為10段,8個要點。我請 ChatGPT 把它翻成中文如下。請大家先看中文,很精彩的回答。最終我會請它把全部濃縮為為一個英文句子。結果它只用了 47 個英文字。

ChatGPT 回答的中文翻譯全文



















ChatGPT 的回答「摘要」英中對照

ChatGPT 的回答英文全文

A secure foundation will stabilize the building and protect it against the forces of nature and the stress of daily use. How can this concept relate to you as you build your personal and family life?

The concept of a secure foundation in the context of building a physical structure can be metaphorically applied to the construction of a stable and resilient personal and family life. Here are some ways this concept can be related:

Values and Principles:

Just as a building needs a strong foundation, your personal and family life should be grounded in a set of values and principles. These values serve as the core beliefs that guide your decisions and actions, providing stability in the face of challenges.


Communication is like the framework of a building. Clear and open communication within a family creates a strong structure for relationships. Effective communication helps address issues, build trust, and strengthen the bonds between family members.

Support System:

Similar to the structural support in a building, having a reliable support system is crucial for personal and family well-being. This may include close friends, extended family, or community connections. This support system can provide assistance during tough times and contribute to overall stability.


A secure building is designed to withstand various external forces, and similarly, a resilient family life requires adaptability. Life is dynamic, and being able to adapt to changes and challenges is essential for maintaining stability and harmony within the family.

Financial Stability:

Financial stability acts as the economic foundation for personal and family life. Having a secure financial base helps reduce stress and provides a sense of security. Budgeting, saving, and making informed financial decisions contribute to the overall well-being of the family.

Health and Well-being:

Just as a building needs regular maintenance, personal and family life requires attention to health and well-being. Prioritizing physical and mental health contributes to a strong foundation by ensuring that individuals are better equipped to handle the demands of daily life.

Educational and Personal Development:

Continuous learning and personal development are like ongoing construction projects. Investing in education and personal growth strengthens the foundation of your skills and knowledge, enabling you to face challenges and seize opportunities in both personal and professional aspects of life.

Time Management:

Efficient time management is akin to a well-organized construction schedule. Balancing work, family, and personal time helps prevent burnout, maintains harmony, and contributes to a stable and fulfilling life.

By consciously building and reinforcing these elements, you can create a secure foundation for your personal and family life, ensuring resilience in the face of life's challenges and promoting long-term well-being.