2025年3月21日 星期五



英文字詞KK 音標字詞原形詞性 (繁體中文)中文翻譯 (取自《福音原則》中文版)難度等級
set apart[sɛt əˈpɑrt]set apart片語動詞指定、特別分別(用於聖職、呼召等)B2

2025年3月15日 星期六




In addition to subject complements and object complements, are there any other complements?

ChatGPT 說:

Yes! In addition to subject complements and object complements, there are other types of complements in English grammar. Here are the main types:

1. Subject Complement

  • A subject complement follows a linking verb and describes or renames the subject.

  • Types: Predicate nominative (noun) or predicate adjective.

  • Examples:

    • She is a doctor. (Predicate nominative)

    • The sky looks blue. (Predicate adjective)

2. Object Complement

  • An object complement follows a direct object and modifies or renames it.

  • Types: Noun, adjective, or infinitive phrase.

  • Examples:

    • They elected him president. (Noun)

    • She painted the room blue. (Adjective)

    • I consider him to be trustworthy. (Infinitive phrase)

3. Verb Complement

  • A verb complement is necessary to complete the meaning of a verb. Some verbs require additional phrases to make sense.

  • Types: Direct object, indirect object, infinitive phrase, gerund phrase, prepositional phrase.

  • Examples:

    • She wants to leave. (Infinitive phrase)

    • He enjoys reading books. (Gerund phrase)

    • They talked about the plan. (Prepositional phrase)

4. Prepositional Complement (Object of a Preposition)

  • A prepositional complement follows a preposition to complete its meaning.

  • Types: Noun or pronoun, gerund phrase, noun clause.

  • Examples:

    • He is afraid of spiders. (Noun)

    • She insisted on going. (Gerund phrase)

    • They talked about what happened. (Noun clause)

5. Adjective Complement

  • An adjective complement completes the meaning of an adjective by providing necessary information.

  • Types: Infinitive phrase, prepositional phrase, noun clause.

  • Examples:

    • I am happy to help. (Infinitive phrase)

    • She is afraid of the dark. (Prepositional phrase)

    • He was uncertain whether to go. (Noun clause)

6. Noun Complement (Appositive or Clause)

  • A noun complement adds extra information to a noun.

  • Types: Appositive (renaming the noun) or noun clause.

  • Examples:

    • The fact that he lied upset her. (Noun clause)

    • My friend, a talented musician, played the piano. (Appositive)


In addition to subject and object complements, we also have verb complements, prepositional complements, adjective complements, and noun complements. Each type helps complete the meaning of different parts of a sentence.


Can we consider verb complements and adjective complements adverbs or adverbial phrases?

ChatGPT 說:

Good question! While verb complements and adjective complements can sometimes resemble adverbs or adverbial phrases, they are not always the same. Let's clarify their roles.

1. Can Verb Complements Be Considered Adverbs?

Not exactly. Verb complements are essential to complete the meaning of a verb, while adverbs modify a verb but are not essential.

Key Differences:

  • Verb complements complete a verb’s meaning; removing them makes the sentence incomplete or ungrammatical.

  • Adverbs provide extra information about a verb, answering questions like how, when, where, or why, but they are not required for grammaticality.

Example of Verb Complements (Not Adverbs):

  • He wants to leave. (Infinitive phrase = verb complement; without it, "He wants" is incomplete.)

  • She enjoys reading books. (Gerund phrase = verb complement; without it, "She enjoys" is incomplete.)

Example of Adverbs (Not Verb Complements):

  • He left quickly. ("Quickly" modifies "left" but is not required for the sentence to be complete.)

  • She reads books often. ("Often" modifies "reads" but is optional.)

📌 Conclusion: Verb complements are necessary for a verb’s meaning, while adverbs are optional modifiers.

2. Can Adjective Complements Be Considered Adverbs?

Not really. Adjective complements complete an adjective’s meaning, while adverbs modify adjectives but do not complete them.

Key Differences:

  • Adjective complements provide necessary information to complete an adjective.

  • Adverbs modify adjectives but are optional.

Example of Adjective Complements (Not Adverbs):

  • He is afraid of the dark. (Prepositional phrase = adjective complement; "afraid" needs more information.)

  • She is happy to help. (Infinitive phrase = adjective complement; "happy" needs an explanation.)

Example of Adverbs Modifying Adjectives (Not Complements):

  • He is extremely afraid. ("Extremely" modifies "afraid" but is optional.)

  • She is very happy. ("Very" modifies "happy" but is optional.)

📌 Conclusion: Adjective complements are essential for completing the adjective’s meaning, while adverbs just modify adjectives.

Final Answer

  • Verb complements and adjective complements are NOT adverbs or adverbial phrases.

  • Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, but complements complete meaning.

  • The key distinction: Complements are necessary; adverbs are optional.


2025年3月14日 星期五


Considering you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, answer the following question. Then, translate your answer into Traditional Chinese and combine the corresponding sentences of both languages by aligning them side by side. How has your knowledge of the Resurrection helped you?

ChatGPT 說:

How Has Your Knowledge of the Resurrection Helped You?


1. The Resurrection Gives Me Hope Beyond Death

  • Knowing that Jesus Christ was resurrected assures me that death is not the end.

    • 知道耶穌基督已經復活,讓我確信死亡並非終點。

  • This knowledge brings peace when I think about my loved ones who have passed away.

    • 當我想到已經離世的親人時,這個認識帶給我平安。

  • I find comfort in knowing that we will all live again through Christ.

    • 我因知道我們都能透過基督再次復活而感到安慰。

2. The Resurrection Strengthens My Faith in God’s Plan

  • The reality of the Resurrection confirms that God’s plan for us is eternal.

    • 復活的真實性證明了上帝對我們的計畫是永恆的。

  • It helps me trust that trials and suffering in this life are temporary.

    • 這讓我相信,今生的試煉與苦難只是暫時的。

  • Knowing that life continues after death gives me perspective on what truly matters.

    • 知道生命在死亡之後仍會繼續,幫助我看清什麼才是真正重要的。

3. The Resurrection Gives Me Strength to Overcome Challenges

  • Because Jesus Christ overcame death, I know that I can overcome my own struggles.

    • 因為耶穌基督戰勝了死亡,我知道我也能克服自己的挑戰。

  • His victory over the grave reminds me that no hardship is permanent.

    • 祂戰勝墳墓的勝利提醒我,沒有任何困境是永久的。

  • This knowledge gives me the courage to face trials with faith and resilience.

    • 這份認識讓我有勇氣以信心與韌性面對試煉。

4. The Resurrection Deepens My Love for the Savior

  • Christ’s resurrection is the ultimate proof of His divine power and love.

    • 基督的復活是祂神聖權能與愛的最終證明。

  • Because He lives, I know He understands my struggles and walks with me.

    • 因為祂活著,我知道祂理解我的掙扎,並與我同行。

  • This strengthens my desire to follow Him and live according to His teachings.

    • 這增強了我跟隨祂並依照祂的教導生活的渴望。

5. The Resurrection Inspires Me to Prepare for Eternal Life

  • Since Christ has made eternal life possible, I strive to live worthy of His gift.

    • 既然基督已使永生成為可能,我努力活出配得這份恩賜的生命。

  • It reminds me to focus on spiritual growth rather than temporary worldly concerns.

    • 這提醒我應該專注於靈性的成長,而非短暫的世俗事物。

  • Knowing that resurrection awaits motivates me to live with purpose and faith.

    • 知道復活在前方等待我,激勵我帶著目標與信心生活。

Conclusion: The Resurrection Is a Source of Peace and Purpose

  • My knowledge of the Resurrection helps me face life with peace, hope, and courage.

    • 我對復活的認識幫助我以平安、希望與勇氣面對人生。

  • It strengthens my faith in Jesus Christ and gives me confidence in God’s promises.

    • 這增強了我對耶穌基督的信心,並讓我對上帝的應許充滿信心。

  • Because of the Resurrection, I know that life is eternal, and that gives me strength every day.

    • 因為復活,我知道生命是永恆的,而這讓我每天都充滿力量。