- 這是我於10月6日(二)凌晨入台大醫院新竹分院急診、接受心血管繞手術,暫停出席台灣自立部門例行週會後,第一次出席這會議。這次出席只參加前 10 分鐘,目的是和史長老夫婦道別。他們擔任全部時間夫婦傳教士18個月期滿,將於猶他時間這星期四晚間,回他們的支聯會卸任召喚。
2020年12月8日 星期二
2020年11月6日 星期五
2020年10月5日 星期一
- 6:45-7:05
- 出席者:若亞、Michael、黎明
- 議題:
- 若亞需要黎明支援 Granny the hero 文章的 Quizet,比照 Little Red Riding Hoot
- 若亞提承恩的費波那契表格式設定有問題。經討論決議:有關學生的費波那契表的權限,學生應不能編輯而只能檢視。承恩的改好了。
- Michael 分享經驗:學生在操作 Copy Paste 的動作時,有時會因為 Touch pad 沒有關閉而影響操作。
HSL20G6, HSL20H7 班學習活動,主題一:Computer programming,主題二:ELA 2nd grade,主題三:Scratch
- 5:50-6:40
- 學生:啟恩、承恩、聖恩、詩晴、袺絡、瀚文
- 家長:家雯、群懿、弘志、怡君、建文、婷蕙
- 教師:Michael、若亞、黎明
- 主題與進度:
- 啟恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Project Bookshelf
- 承恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Project Bookshelf
- 聖恩:ELA 2nd grade: Little Red Riding Hood
- 詩晴:Scratch: 數獨: 1-81 匯入
- 袺絡:Scratch: 數獨: 1-81 匯入
- 瀚文:Scratch: 數獨: 1-81 匯入
2020年10月3日 星期六
- 15:30-17:30
- 下週一我們請傳教士到港南風景區去騎腳踏車。傳教士洪姊妹是台東一支會主教張豪傑的女兒。曦我和我在 2014年7月到2015年6月擔任全部時間傳教士時,每當拜訪台東各支會,張主教都會宴請我們在他開的餐館吃飯。
- 現在洪姊妹來我們支會傳教,我們很樂意以某種方式款待她。曦云認為秋高氣爽的時候,在十七公里海岸邊騎腳踏車是很不錯的活動。
- 9:00-11:20
- 翰宇表示他對於歌唱有興趣,如果未來有機會在演藝界發展的話,他會走這一條路。但因為在演藝界發展是否能成功的變數很大,而且大多因素不能掌握在自己手裏,所以要有一個備案。這一個備案就是當數學老師,或數學相關的職業,例如精算師或大數據分析師,因為他在課業中比較喜歡的是數學。
- 翰宇和我從網路中取得師範大學、台大、清大、和交大的數學系入學的成績採計方式,包括繁星、學測、和指考的個人申請途徑之各考科成績標準。
- 我告訴翰宇,要在學涯中成功,首先要確立目標,然後要找出良好的學習資源,接下來要擬訂學習計畫,分配充分的時間給各項學習資源。最後就是要有效地執行計畫。
- 有效地執行計畫包括紀律、方法和工具。「紀律」就是切實按照計畫的時間表進行。「方法」就是要研讀學習資源,仔細閱讀內容幾遍。遇到瞭解的部分,馬上做成筆記,它要讓個人在未來複習時容易理解,並且內容之間要容易聯想或推論。閱讀學習內容遇到有不瞭解的部分,馬上把問題的截圖或照相透過網路平台,發布出去,引發學習夥伴或熱心的指導者一起討論,進而獲得解答。「工具」就是善用科技來學習。網路有很好的數學和英文的 App,也有優質的磨課師 (MOOCs) 。
- 翰宇和我協議:每週日,翰宇會透過 Messenger 來回報進度,讓我可以幫助他確實按照計畫執行,或必要時調整計畫。
2020年10月2日 星期五
- 19:00-21:00
- 持續研究及教導兒童及青少年運用雙語科技學習,可以讓我防止老年痴呆。這樣的學習可以陪伴我的孫子們成長,與他們有意義的互動,得到快樂,也幫助他們學習。這可以延伸到他們在職場上的進修,例如大數據、人工智慧。這個節奏配合孫子們的成長,特別有效。他們也可以在這過程中和我有密切的心智互動。
- 感謝主讓我有這樣的生活情境。我覺得只要許可,很多的父母親都可以在年輕的時候,就累積未來陪伴子女學習過程的基礎知識。
2020年10月1日 星期四
19 事情是這樣的,耶穌離開他們中間,走到離他們不遠的地方跪下,說道:
19 And it came to pass that Jesus departed out of the midst of them, and went a little way off from them and bowed himself to the earth, and he said:
20 父啊,感謝您賜聖靈給我揀選的這些人;我從世人中揀選出他們,是因為他們相信我。
20 Father, I thank thee that thou hast given the Holy Ghost unto these whom I have chosen; and it is because of their belief in me that I have chosen them out of the world.
21 父啊,祈求您賜聖靈給所有相信他們話語的人。
21 Father, I pray thee that thou wilt give the Holy Ghost unto all them that shall believe in their words.
22 父啊,您已賜給他們聖靈,因為他們相信我;您知道他們相信我,因為您聽到他們,和他們對我的禱告;他們向我禱告,因為我與他們同在。
22 Father, thou hast given them the Holy Ghost because they believe in me; and thou seest that they believe in me because thou hearest them, and they pray unto me; and they pray unto me because I am with them.
23 父啊,現在我為他們向您禱告,也為那些將要相信他們話語的人向您禱告,好使他們相信我,使我得以在他們裡面,像父,您在我裡面一樣,使我們合而為一。
23 And now Father, I pray unto thee for them, and also for all those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me, that I may be in them bas thou, Father, art in me, that we may be cone.
瀚文 Scratch 程式設計課程追補
- 5:50-7:40
- 教師:黎明
- 主題與進度:Scratch: 數獨: 畫格師: 畫九宮格: 函式積木
- 綠旗:呼叫畫九宮格
- 畫九宮格函式積木:呼叫畫方陣
- 畫三宮格函式積木:呼叫畫方陣
- 畫方陣函式積木 (內容待開發)
- 今天追補的目標是要追平 HSL20A0 班的進度。計畫從 10/5(一) 開始,瀚文要和 HSL20A0 班的同學,詩晴及袺絡,一起上課。
2020年9月30日 星期三
- 6:50-7:15
- 出席者:明理、Michael、黎明
- 議題:
- 準備 GeoGebra 教學。以會考或學測題為引導。把題目的解題內容拆成小學生可以明白的基礎知識。讓小學生體驗,如何建構基礎知識,並組織基礎知識來解決問題。
HSL20G6 班學習活動,主題一:Computer programming,主題二:Math 4th grade
- 5:50-6:40
- 學生:啟恩、承恩、聖恩
- 家長:家雯、群懿、弘志
- 教師:Michael、黎明
- 主題與進度:
- 啟恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Spin-off of "Project: Bookshelf"
- 承恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Spin-off of "Project: Bookshelf"
- 聖恩:Math 4th grade: Division: Represent multi-step word problems using equations
2020年9月29日 星期二
輔導袺絡進行 Scratch 程式除錯
- 18:30-18:55
- Scratch 程式:數獨:畫格師:畫方陣:畫 10 條直線
- 找出錯誤的部分,更正後測試成功。
- 這是免費的課外輔導,回應學生的問題,保持袺絡的學習興趣,並獲得程式除錯的重要經驗。
HSL20D3 班學習活動:主題一:Computer programming,主題二:英文初學者基礎八能力
- 17:30-18:20
- 學生:奇偉,承悅
- 家長:月娥、佩君
- 教師:Michael、黎明
- 主題與進度:
- 奇偉:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Logic and If statement: Challenge: Your First Painting App
- 承悅:英文初學者基礎八能力: 單元七 看標寫字:BOMS05-07
心克剛共學網教學研究會議 (宣傳影片之根據)
- 6:50-7:10
- 出席者:若亞、Michael、黎明
- 議題:
- 管理4-6年級學生的教案完整性和適時性。目標是幫助學生在進入 7 年級以前,可以準備好:1) 英文初學者基礎八能力,以及使用科技學習英文的能力,2) 使用科技學習數學的能力,3) 使用科技學習程式設計的能力,4) 使用科技製作影片的能力。如此,能讓學生在 7-12 年級,甚至在職場,因為具備這些能力而領先同儕。成為終身的學習者。
- 使用科技學習英文的能力包括:Quizlet、Google Translate、語意區塊閱讀、Grammarly...
- 使用科技學習數學的能力包括:GeoGebra, SpreadSheets, Khan Academy, 均一教育平台...
- 使用科技學習程式設計的能力包括: Scratch, Khan Academy Computer programming
- 使用科技學習學習影片製作的能力包括: Camtasia, PowerPoint
HSL20G6, HSL20H7 班學習活動,主題一:ELA 2nd grade,主題二:Computer programming
- 5:50-6:40
- 學生:啟恩、承恩、聖恩、瀚文
- 家長:家雯、群懿、弘志、婷蕙
- 教師:若亞、Michael、黎明
- 主題與進度:
- 啟恩:ELA 2nd grade: Little Red Riding Hood + Moon festival related English vocabularies
- 承恩:ELA 2nd grade: Little Red Riding Hood + Moon festival related English vocabularies
- 聖恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Practice: Using variable expressions
- 瀚文:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Challenge: Shooting star
2020年9月28日 星期一
- 6:50-7:10
- 出席者:若亞、Michael、黎明
- 主題:
- 劃分心克剛共學網兩階段教學要點
- 4-6年級:培養學習素養:教導有效學習方法、養成良好學習習慣、訓練使用科技學習。
- 7-12年級:發揮學習素養效能,提升學校的學習表現,以及自主增廣學習。
HSL20G6, HSL20A0 班學習活動,主題一:Computer programming,主題二:ELA 2nd grade,主題三:Scratch
- 5:50-6:40
- 學生:啟恩、承恩、聖恩、詩晴、袺絡
- 家長:家雯、群懿、弘志、怡君、建文
- 教師:Michael、若亞、黎明
- 主題與進度:
- 啟恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Project: BookShelf
- 承恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Project: BookShelf
- 聖恩:ELA 2nd grade: Little Red Riding Hood
- 詩晴:Scratch: 數獨: 畫格師: 畫方陣:畫10條直線
- 袺絡:Scratch: 數獨: 畫格師: 畫方陣:畫10條直線
2020年9月27日 星期日
- 10:30-11:30
My dear brothers and sisters,
The topic of my speech today is "The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon" .
The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible.
It is a record of God’s dealings with ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel.
Then, what does "the coming forth" mean? In the dictionary "come forth" means "to appear" Then, what does "appear” mean?
大約西元 421 年,摩爾門經中的最後一位先知,摩羅乃,在他死前,把一部用古代文字刻寫在金頁片上的經文,埋藏在一個地方。
Around 421 AD, Moroni, the last prophet in the Book of Mormon, buried a scripture written on gold plates with ancient scripts in one place before he died.
That place is a small hill in Manchester, New York, USA today.
1400多年後,西元 1823 年9月22日,即在第一次異象三年半之後,已經復活的摩羅乃,指示這福音期的第一位先知,約瑟斯密到埋藏經文地方,取出金頁片。
About 1,400 years later, on September 22, 1823, three and a half years after the First Vision, Moroni, who had been resurrected, instructed the first prophet of this dispensation, Joseph Smith, to the place where the scriptures were buried , to take out the gold plates.
This event can be said to be the first "coming forth" of the Book of Mormon.
But Moroni ordered Joseph not to take the gold plates away.
He asked Joseph to prepare himself so that he could accept gold plates in the future.
And after the gold plate was translated, Joseph had to return the gold plate to Moroni.
Moroni warned Joseph that since he obtained the gold plates, many people would try to steal the plates from him, and he must strive to keep them.
And Joseph was not allowed to show the gold plates to anyone, save the witnesses appointed by God.
For the next four years, every September 22nd, Joseph went there to get more revelation from Moroni and know how the Lord's kingdom should be managed in the latter days.
On September 22, 1827, the angel Moroni delivered the gold plates to Joseph.
This is the second "coming forth" of the Book of Mormon.
Joseph took the gold plates home and began to translate the Book of Mormon according to Moroni's instruction.
Joseph Smith said, with the power of God, that he “translated the Book of Mormon from [hieroglyphs] (KK[ˋhaɪərə͵glɪfs]), the knowledge of which was lost to the world, in which wonderful event [he] stood alone, an unlearned youth, to combat the worldly wisdom and multiplied ignorance of eighteen centuries, with a new revelation.”
Joseph’s scribes testified of the power of God that was manifested while working on the translation of the Book of Mormon.
Oliver Cowdery once said: “These were days never to be forgotten—to sit under the sound of a voice dictated by the inspiration of heaven, awakened the utmost gratitude of this bosom! Day after day I continued, uninterrupted, to write from his mouth, as he translated … ‘The Book of Mormon.’”
Although after many challenges and persecutions, with the power of God, Joseph finally completed the translation of the Book of Mormon and returned the gold plates to Moroni.
Before that, God appointed eleven witnesses, all of whom had seen the gold plates with their own eyes and wrote testimonies in the Book of Mormon.
1830年3月,首刷 5,000 本的摩爾門經出版了。
In March 1830, the first 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon were published.
Today more than 180 million copies have been printed in more than 100 languages.
The publication of the Book of Mormon is an important part of God's plan of salvation.
God’s purpose in bringing forth the Book of Mormon is to integrate it with the Holy Bible, confound false doctrines, establish peace, and bring us to a knowledge of the covenant,
and to help the children of men, in the latter days, that is, us, to know His Son, Jesus Christ, and to participate in gathering Israel to prepare for the second coming of the Savior.
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is not an event, but a continuous process.
Today the coming forth of the Book of Mormon continues. All of our conversions are part of this process.
I was converted because of the Book of Mormon.
When I study the Book of Mormon, it touches my soul.
For me, it is truly "the coming forth of the Book of Mormon."
This makes me know that I am a son of God and that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that I can get eternal life by keeping my covenant with God in the plan of salvation.
And I will participate in the holy work to help others, whether they are living in the world or those who have passed away, obtain the same blessing.
Now I will be explaining how I converted because of the Book of Mormon.
My eldest son and daughter were baptized in March 1990 and became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Both of them are pioneers in our family who converted to the Savior Jesus Christ.
Soon after they were baptized, missionaries came to our home to share gospel lessons.
Every time missionaries visited us, we were invited to read certain verses or chapters of the Book of Mormon.
Later, I decided to study the Book of Mormon from scratch.
After some two years of reading, I was finally baptized in January 1993.
At that time, I had completed reading the seventh chapter of Moroni.
摩爾門經共有 238 章,其中前 204 章是摩爾門,摩羅乃的父親,節錄在他之前古代美洲大陸的先知記錄做成的。
There are 238 chapters in the Book of Mormon, of which the first 204 chapters are abridged by Mormon, Moroni's father, from the records of prophets in the ancient American continent before him.
接著摩爾門自己寫了 9 章,稱為摩爾門書,是把他自己所看到和聽到的事作成的紀錄。
Then Mormon himself wrote 9 chapters, called the Book of Mormon, a specific book of The Book of Mormon, which is a record of what he saw and heard.
Because war between the Lamanites and the Nephites was so fierce that Mormon handed over the records to his son, Moroni, and asked him to keep the records and continue to abridge the accounts of the Jaredites.
摩羅乃帶著沈重的紀錄,一邊逃亡,一邊繼續按照他父親的吩咐摘錄雅列人的紀錄,稱為以帖書,共 15 章。
Carrying heavy records fleeing, Moroni continued to abridge the Jaredit records according to his father's orders. The abridgement is called the Book of Ether, with 15 chapters.
The Book of Ether is abridged from 24 pages discovered by the people of Limhi in the time of King Mosiah.
這摩賽亞王時代距離摩羅乃時代大約有 500 年。
This time of King Mosiah is about 500 years before the time of Moroni.
I wondered why before he died, Mormon ordered his son Moroni to not only carry heavy records, but also to hide and take time to abridge the records of the Jaredites when fleeing in such an emergent circumstance?
Later, when I read the first chapter of Moroni, I finally understood the reason and decided to be baptized.
The first chapter of the Book of Mormon reads:
1 Now I, Moroni, after having made an end of abridging the account of the people of Jared, I had supposed not to have written more, but I have not as yet perished; and I make not myself known to the Lamanites lest they should destroy me.因為看啊,他們之間的戰爭非常激烈;他們出於仇恨,處死每一個不否認基督的尼腓人。
2 For behold, their wars are exceedingly fierce among themselves; and because of their hatred they put to death every Nephite that will not deny the Christ.我,摩羅乃,決不會否認基督,因此,我為了自己生命的安全,到任何我能到的地方流浪。
3 And I, Moroni, will not deny the Christ; wherefore, I wander whithersoever I can for the safety of mine own life.因此,我要多寫一些事情,這和我當初所想的相反,因為我本以為不會再多寫了;但我要多寫一些事情,這樣或許將來能按照主的旨意,對我的弟兄拉曼人有價值。
4 Wherefore, I write a few more things, contrary to that which I had supposed; for I had supposed not to have written any more; but I write a few more things, that perhaps they may be of worth unto my brethren, the Lamanites, in some future day, according to the will of the Lord.
I think that at this moment, the Nephites were about to be completely destroyed by the Lamanites.
His father was also killed by the Lamanites during the war, and the Lamanites were still chasing him.
Now with great difficulty, he just completed his father's order abridging the Jaredite's account.
He should have hidden the record so that he could lighten the burden and concentrate on fleeing.
然而他卻改變自己的想法,順從主的旨意,為他的仇敵,他稱他們為弟兄拉曼人,的好處,繼續在逃亡中寫了10 章,稱為摩羅乃書,做為摩爾門經的完結篇。
However, he changed his mind and obeyed the Lord’s will. For the welfare of his enemies, he called them my brethren, he wrote 10 chapters, called the book of Moroni, as the end article of the Book of Mormon.
After reading this, my heart felt very heavy for Moroni. However, I also admired him very much.
Then, what exactly did Moroni write of worth to his brethren, the Lamanites, in the nine chapters after the first chapter?
在第二章中摩羅乃重申 400 多年前,耶穌向尼腓人顯現時把授予聖靈恩賜的權力,賜給十二位尼腓門徒。
In chapter 2, Moroni referred that Jesus gave the twelve Nephite disciples power to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost.
In chapter 3, Moroni described how elders ordain priests and teachers by the laying on of hands.
In chapter 4 and 5, Moroni quoted the mode of administering the sacrament.
In chapter 6, Moroni explained that repentant persons would be baptized and fellowshipped, Church members who repent would be forgiven, meetings would be conducted by the power of the Holy Ghost.
In the succeeding chapters, An invitation is given to enter into the rest of the Lord—Pray with real intent—The Spirit of Christ enables men to know good from evil—Satan persuades men to deny Christ and do evil—The prophets manifest the coming of Christ—By faith, miracles are wrought and angels minister—Men should hope for eternal life and cleave unto charity.
I pondered repeatedly about how Moroni could be in such a tragic war, with such peace of mind, thinking about the future well-being of his enemy, writing in accordance with God’s will how people should participate in the establishment and management of God’s kingdom, and how can one strive to get the blessing of God.
At this moment, I can finally understand the meaning of many verses in the Bible:
「神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的不致滅亡,反得永生。」以及「要愛你們的仇敵,為那逼迫你們的禱告, 這樣就可以做你們天父的兒子。」這是我在歸信以前所不瞭解的。
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” and “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”
I studied the Book of Mormon, from beginning to end, and slowly understood the love of God, the Father’s plan of salvation, and the atonement power of the Savior Jesus Christ.
This allowed me to know my true identity, a beloved son of God. By keeping the covenant, I could be reborn as a saint from a natural man.
I decided to be baptized and try to follow the example of the prophets in the Book of Mormon, and become the kind of person the Father wants me to be. For me, this is the essence of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.
Brothers and sisters, the story of how each of us converted because of the Book of Mormon may be different.
But when some verses of the Book of Mormon touches your soul, that makes you come unto Christ, recognize your own eternal identity, and strive to seek God's will for you, and fulfill it, in this way, for you, the Book of Mormon really comes forth.
I know that the Book of Mormon is real and sacred.
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon testifies that God loves the world and testifies that Jesus is the Christ and our Savior, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
2020年9月26日 星期六
HSL20G6 班學習活動,主題一:Computer programming,主題二:Math 4th grade
- 5:50-6:40
- 學生:啟恩、承恩、聖恩
- 家長:家雯、群懿、弘志
- 教師:Michael、黎明
- 主題與進度:
- 啟恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Project: Bookshelf
- 承恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Project: Bookshelf
- 聖恩:Math 4th grade: Represent multi-step word problems using equations
2020年9月25日 星期五
- 6:42-6:52
- 出席者:若亞、Michael、黎明
- 主題:幫助學生作線上筆記,以及寫學習日記部落格
- 結論:1) 學生在線上課程中,在遇到重要的畫面時,請學生截圖,然後貼到自己的學習日記部落格,2) 在自修時,也可以比照辦理,3) 教師要確保學生會使用截圖功能,以及督導學生確實執行。
HSL20G6, HSL20H7 班學習活動,主題一:ELA 2nd grade,主題二:Intro to JS
- 5:50-6:40
- 學生:啟恩、承恩、聖恩、瀚文
- 家長:家雯、群懿、弘志、婷蕙
- 教師:若亞,黎明、Michael
- 主題與進度:
- 啟恩:ELA 2nd grade: Little Red Riding Hood
- 承恩:ELA 2nd grade: Little Red Riding Hood
- 聖恩:Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Challenge: Brown bear eyes
- 瀚文:Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Project: Shooting Star
2020年9月24日 星期四
- 6:50-7:05
- 出席者:若亞、Michael、黎明
- 主題:學生學習日記部落格
- 結論:
- 黎明負責把所有學生的學習日記部落格的超連結放在 Wiki 的班級網頁
- 若亞和 Michael 負責督促學生寫學習日記部落格,並加以適當回應,以提高學生寫作學習日記部落格的意願。
HSL20G6, HSL20A0 班學習活動,主題一:Computer programming,主題二:ELA 2th grade,主題三:Scratch
- 5:50-6:40
- 學生:啟恩、承恩、聖恩、詩晴、袺絡
- 家長:家雯、群懿、弘志、怡君、建文
- 教師:Michael、若亞、黎明
- 主題與進度:
- 啟恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Project: Bookshelf
- 承恩:Computer programming: Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation: Objects: Project: Bookshelf
- 聖恩:ELA 2th grade: Little Red Riding Hood Question 1
- 詩晴:Scratch: 數獨: 畫格師: 畫方陣
- 袺絡:Scratch: 數獨: 畫格師: 畫方陣