2024年9月18日 星期三

quiet pride

 What do you mean by "quiet pride"?

ChatGPT 說:

"Quiet pride" refers to a feeling of pride or accomplishment that is understated or not outwardly expressed in a boastful or loud manner. It suggests a sense of internal satisfaction and dignity, where someone feels proud of what they've endured or achieved, but without the need for public recognition or overt displays of self-congratulation.

In the context of the passage you shared, the speaker may feel a quiet pride in having lived through and survived significant challenges over the course of a century. Though the tone is reflective and even melancholic at times, there is an implicit sense of resilience or strength in having witnessed so much and made it to such an advanced age. The speaker doesn’t explicitly boast about surviving these events, but the very act of calmly recounting them suggests an inner strength and satisfaction with having endured.

