2020年6月11日 星期四

HSL2020G6 6月11日(四) The art of storytelling: Character

  • 5:50-6:40 
  • 學生:啟恩、承恩
  • 教師:黎明和 Michael
  • 家長:家雯、群懿
  • 主題:The art of storytelling: Character
  • 進度:1) Activity 1 導讀完成,2) 指導學生製作雲端筆記的方法和要點,鼓勵學生將學校功課用同樣方法作成雲端筆記,如承恩啟恩,3) 簡介教會翻譯部門品管三個檢查,Content Review, Language Review, Ecclesiastical Review
  • 作業:1) 複習 Activity 1 文章,2) 練習 Activity 1
  • 下一堂課:討論 External features 和 Internal features 的問題。

Activity 1: Internal & external features

Whats on the inside vs. outside of a character?

Illustration of the boy from Pixar's film "Up", with each part of the illustration labeled (such as "sole", "sash", "eyebrows", etc).
Part A: Return to your three favorite films and identify a main character in each.
Part B: Identify three of their external features.
Part C: Identify three of their internal features.
Part D: Identify three internal and external features of someone that you know.
Part E: Return to one of your character ideas from the last lesson. Brainstorm some possible answers to the following questions (feel free to work alone or in a group)
External features:
  • Is your character a human, animal, object?
  • What kind of clothing do they wear?
  • How does your character move?
  • What's the first thing you'd notice when looking at them from a distance?
Internal features:
  • What do they like to do?
  • What do they fear?
  • What emotion do they most often feel?
  • How would they respond if trapped in an elevator?

