- 5:50-6:40
- 學生:啟恩、承恩
- 教師:黎明和 Michael
- 家長:家雯、群懿
- 主題:The art of storytelling: Character
- 進度:簡介內容導讀完成。並指導製作單字 Quizlet 學習集。導讀 Activity 目錄完成。
- 作業:1) 複習 We are all storytellers 單字 Quizlet 學習集,2) 練習 Character 簡介學習集,3) 複習 Character 簡介文章
Characters are at the heart of every film Pixar makes; they’re the individuals we follow on the journey of every story. But how does Pixar come up with those characters, make them more than just generic ideas, and really bring them to life? In this lesson you’ll explore how character development drives the storytelling process at Pixar, and you’ll start thinking about creating characters for your own stories.